Shoes are more important for basketball players because they are such a game that you cannot play with nude feet. And if a player has wider feet, then it is difficult for them to find wider shoes. Because limited players have wider feet, they can need help finding the best basketball shoes. But don’t worry, because we are here to serve you and we will tell you about these shoes that are the Best basketball shoes for wide feet.
As you know, there is a need for time to order a pair of shoes for your game, and when it arrives, check and it is not fit for you. So it is a time-consuming and money waste process. But if you read our blog, you can easily understand your shoe size and order the perfect size shoes that you can use for your game.
Feet size differs for all players, so if you don’t waste your time and money, select shoes that fit you. Here, we will mention some pairs of shoes that are only for wider feet. And when you order these shoes, it will be good use for your money and time. We determine many shoes for wider feet, but there are limited shoes that are best for performance.
Now it is time to dive into the information of these shoes that you are looking for your wider feet. It was challenging to find these shoes in earlier days, but now you can read our blog and select a pair of shoes you will love and use when ready to perform well in your game.
Way of Wade 10
Whether playing indoor or outdoor courts, traction is vital in basketball shoes. All courts are not clean because there may be dust or other items. But when you wear these shoes, your performance will not be affected. The grooves only have a little space for small rocks and stones to be inserted. So you can feel comfort and ease during your game, which is possible only when you wear these shoes.
Way of Wade 10

The cushion of these shoes is excellent, and you can get extra bounce when you run with these shoes. Mostly, wider shoes do not have this feature, but Way of Wade 10 has this excellent feature for you that you can always pay attention to if you are a good player. These shoes are the Best basketball shoes for wide feet and more comfortable than others because the cushion of these shoes is better than others.
The material used in these shoes is elastic, which can keep you secure and comfortable. As you know, you can run fast and turn your feet quickly with ankle braces. So, by wearing ankle brakes, you can feel the comfort of these shoes, but without ankle braces, these will dig in your feet.
There is a need for some durability for these shoes because they are not created with leather. And when you take care of these shoes, you can easily use these shoes for more matches. However, you can get additional support and comfort when you wear these shoes. And you know that no one can stop you from performing well if you have such features and facilities.
Way of Wade 808 3
This model is at the top if we discuss the traction of the best basketball shoes for wider feet. Because the outsole of these shoes is equipped with solid rubber, and this thing is only used to increase the traction of these shoes. But there is no side effect of the performance of these shoes.
Way of Wade 808 3

Such shoes are expected to be considered better and perform similarly on indoor and outdoor courts. Only limited shoes have such features, and Wade 808 3 is one of these shoes that can achieve the same durability and grip. If we look at the material of these shoes, they are created with textile, and you know that it is light.
These shoes fit from all angles, and the toe box is a downside, so it can keep your feet comfortable. However, using it only for your game will save you active. But if you will make it your habit, then it cannot give you such expectations that you are thinking.
Durability is the main reason for these shoes. Because these shoes are created with textiles, they are lighter but not too durable. However, you can use these shoes in any weather because no leather may be damaged in the rain or wet court.
Curry 10
There will not be any person who loves basketball but is unfamiliar with Steph Curry. Curry is my favorite player and not only me, but he has millions of fans. Curry 10 is my favorite shoe that you can also use for wider feet. Flow foam is used on the midsole and outsole of these shoes. The staff of these shoes is better than its other brand, Curry 8 and Curry 9.
Curry 10

The traction of these shoes is perfect, and even if your feet are not in their adjustable place, you can also get this feature. On a clean court, the traction will be equal in many shoes. But in the case of playing dusty courts, only Curry 10 will provide you with the support and traction you are looking for. The chances of slipping are higher than with regular shoes, but by wearing these shoes, there is no chance of falling on the courts.
WARP material is being used in the manufacturing of these shoes. This material was used in previous shoe brands. Still, the quality of material in these shoes is an additional layer of this material on the tongue of these shoes, which increases the comfort of these shoes.
The outsole of these shoes is not as durable as you deserve in these shoes. However, these shoes are fit for wider feet, but if you have normal or narrow feet, you must buy shoes that are less than your size. The weight of these shoes is light. So you can feel better with these shoes.
Some such the Best basketball shoes for wide feet are available in the market that you can buy for a minimum price. And if you have a low budget but want wider shoes, then KD Trey 5 X will be best for you because these shoes are cheap, and many other features are also available in these shoes that you may use on the basketball court.

These shoes are created with softer material, and due to this, the weight of these shoes is only 300 grams. So you will feel free, or there will be no hesitation to run on the basketball court while wearing these shoes. More comprehensive feet holders are expected to need more flexibility, so the material of these shoes gives you this option.
The traction of these shoes is excellent, and the heat map-inspired feature in the soles makes it able to change your direction when you want. The midsole of these shoes is covered with full foam, so the cushion feature is available in the best quantity suitable for wider feet.
These shoes are the best soccer cleats for wide feet, but there are some issues. The best shoes are responsive for indoor players and in such games, you can select these shoes. These shoes are bouncy, and with these shoes, you can jump well and know the importance of jumping in this game.
Adidas harden 7
Adidas Harden is a brand that has manufactured many shoes for wider feet basketball players; all brands are better than each other. All the latest features of the best wider shoes are available in these shoes and it is the latest version of this brand.
Adidas harden 7

These shoes have the best and pretty design so that you will fall in love with these shoes. Regarding traction, it is responsive, attractive, and stable on all types of courts. An additional feature is available in the Best basketball shoes for wide feet, which is back covered with darker plastic and can support suddenly stopping when you want.
The internal TPU heel counter gives more ankle support, and support is the priority when you play this game. The cushion of these shoes is light strike, so if you want to live with the ground closer, these shoes are best. The material used in these shoes is super comfortable, and you will feel silky when you wear these shoes.
The weight of these shoes is more than some other brands, and there needs to be a more proper system for breathing. So, if you have wider feet, you can face some issues because wider shoes are more prominent than narrow shoes.
Air Jordan XXL
These days, there are no issues for wider feet holders to play basketball. Unlimited companies are creating basketball shoes for wider feet. So, this brand is also very effective for fitting segments. When your foot is placed in its perfect place, it will be easy because these are entirely fit for you.
Air Jordan XXL

Some shoes are available that will fit after a few days because such material is more exhaustive when used for some time. But these shoes are true wider for wider shoes, and there is a need to wait to be fit for your shoes. These shoes may soon be dirty because they accept dirt on their surface, but cleaning them is easy. So you can use these shoes for indoor and outdoor basketball courts.
Compression and bounce are essential in this game’s performance and when you select shoes with double stack units. So, the options of excellent bounce and reduction are available in these shoes. And you can take a higher jump with these shoes. So there is no matter of height in this game when wearing these shoes.
The price of these shoes is more than from some other brands, and there is also a need for more support. But if you have wider feet and want durability, you can buy these shoes without thinking. If we look at the response of these shoes, then it is an excellent brand that you can select.
Nike LeBron Witness 7
When you play basketball, covering all sides of the ground is essential. But it will be possible when you wear responsive shoes. Finding the Best basketball shoes for wide feet is difficult, but the Nike LeBron Witness 7 has solved all these issues. Because there were some drawbacks in the old versions of this brand, this pair of shoes is available in the latest version with excellent traction that can give you better opportunities to move here and there.
Nike LeBron Witness 7

These shoes are protective because they can give you so many cushions that there are no chances of turning your feet. The court surface will be solid, but due to the protector of these shoes, you will never feel it is reliable. It is an indisputable fact that in the beginning, these shoes will not be acceptable to you, but trust me, as you will use them, you will love them.
The lateral containments are available in these shoes, so you can feel that these shoes will fit on your feet, fitting is the main reason for your shoe’s performance, so when you buy shoes that fit your feet. The overall performance of your game could be better when you feel safe.
The material used in these shoes looks cheap and over-stretching, so it is necessary to care for these shoes. The rate of these shoes is low and they are cheap in price. Many practical features are added to these shoes, and all elements of their previous shoes are added.
New Balance KAWHI 2
If you want to play a supportive and durable game for indoor and outdoor play with wider feet, then New Balance KAWHI 2 is the best choice. The material of these shoes is stronger and you can use them for more time. The traction of these shoes for indoor games is maintained. These shoes are not effective for outdoor games, but with some updates, they may be used for all games.
New Balance KAWHI 2

The height of the toe is more significant than other brands, which can increase torsion support for your game. When we look at the cushion of these shoes, they are better feeling and responsive, but there is a lack of compression, and it has poor protection.
Lighter material is used when these shoes are created, so there are only 326 grams weight of these shoes. These shoes are breathable, so the weight is lighter, and you can use these shoes for a longer time. There is minimal padding on the tongue of these shoes so that you will feel fit on your feet.
Jordan Zion 2
These shoes do not have too much height. You will feel that you are on the ground instead of wearing these shoes. But there is not any issue with using these shoes for basketball courts. You will feel softer on the basketball court playing this game with these shoes. It has actual size with minimal price. And it is the latest version of its previous brand.
Jordan Zion 2

These shoes are fit for you and you will feel well when you will wear these. These shoes’ upper is created with mesh and synthetic. The Best basketball shoes for wide feet are breathable, and you will never get tired of these shoes. And there are only some brands you can use for a longer time, and these shoes are also included in these categories.
These shoes have minimal cushion support, and in the case of cushion, it is less effective than you think. The price of these shoes is reasonable, and you can quickly pay the expense of these shoes. A fantastic thing about these shoes is that you can use them for many months. So, there is no need to buy them repeatedly.
Final Words
In the case of having width feet, the standard issue is not fitting shoes on your feet. So the size problems are constantly being affected for wider feet. But trust me; you can wear the wide shoes that you love. And these shoes can give you an environment for playing the game you want. Here, we have discussed Way of Wide 10, among the best. These Best basketball shoes for wide feet are perfect for playing and you can carry on your enjoyment in this game.