It is 2023, and we are now discussing the best basketball shoes in the 90s. Old-version shoes are looking pretty, and many people demand such shoes. Because these shoes are excellent and the performance of these shoes is greater or equal to the latest version of shoes. Here I want to share my experience with basketball shoes because I was related to this field.
There are unlimited varieties of shoes and sneakers that basketball players are using. And mainly of these shoes are excellent in performance and design. Air Jordan V is a perfect pair of shoes that has been famous from the 90s till now. These shoes’ iconic look and contraction make them ideal for many local and pro players.
Many old shoes don’t have much better material and experience for comforting players. But when we talk about Air Jordan V shoes, we may say that these shoes are excellent from all angles. There are unlimited colors and designs of these shoes, which can make you a lover of these shoes, and you can use these shoes for excellent performance.
Who should get these shoes?
As you know, no one will try to use too many old shoes, but these shoes are unique from the latest shoes due to their unique colors, designs, and materials. However, many basketball lovers and fans want to collect these shoes. And if you are a lover of shoes for basketball, then why would you not add new shoes to your collection?
If you are a basketball player and want to wear these shoes for your game, then keep in mind that these shoes are heavier than the latest shoes. But these shoes are durable and the best in quality and performance. You can also get the Best Basketball shoes under 200$ as well
Our top picks of the best basketball shoes in the 90s
In this article, we will find out 5 best 90’s basketball shoes and discuss these shoes in detail. In this blog, we have discussed complete about these shoes and you can get your required information from us.
Air Jordan V
Air Jordan V

When we talk about previous shoes of the 90s, the Air Jordan V is our top pick that comes to our mind. Due to these shoes’ performance, material, and durability, they are still used. And some such players are using these shoes for their game. It has a rigid sole and is constructed with strict leather that is durable for a long time.
If we look at other shoes of that era, these are available in different colors, styles, and realities. If we talk about the flare of these shoes, then it is the only brand that can give, while no other such aged shoes cannot show you this thing. Due to the rugged rubber sole, you can get better performance and the demand for these shoes is increasing due to its material and performance.
These shoes are long-lasting and durable, and due to these facilities, the price of these shoes is expensive. However, if you are only a collector of shoes, then the value of these shoes is more significant than other shoes. These shoes are perfect, and you can get many amazing thongs from these shoes.
- Best for overall
- Best cushion
- Rubber sole
- Different colors and styles
- Expensive shoes
Reebok Kamikaze Basketball shoes
Reebok Kamikaze Basketball Shoes

The size of these shoes is more significant than others, so if you are a big man with more extended feet, it is the best pair of shoes for you. It is the collection of Shawn Kemp during the 90’s, and now it is being re-used due to the struggle of Reebok. The best EVA midsole, tight fit, and unique mid-cut design of these shoes are excellent for old shoes, and you will love to use these shoes.
To make it a great pair of shoes, it is created with a durable rubber sole, leather, and suede upper. The overall performance of these shoes is excellent, and they are durable. Because you can play many games with these shoes, there will be no quality chance due to their durable material. The weight of these shoes is only 150 ounces, which makes looking lighter.
The only drawback of these shoes is that they are a little bulky. These are best for more extended feet, but if you don’t have more extended feet, these shoes are inadequate for you. The overall sole of these shoes is created with rubber, so there is no doubt about the durability of these shoes. It has an excellent and superior lockdown system through which you can fit in as much as you want.
- Lightweight
- Rubber sole
- Durable shoes
- Best traction
- Only for longer feet
Nike Air More Uptempo
Nike Air More Uptempo

As the time passes, many shoes have decreased their weight. But if we talk about the best basketball shoes in the 90s, then many shoes have minimal weight, and Nike Air More Uptempo shoes are much lighter than you can expect about these shoes. It is retro-looking but breathable shoes that are excellent in performance.
The ventilation system of these shoes is excellent, and you can use these shoes even in hot and cool seasons. The structure of these shoes is better than many shoes, and their durability is a fantastic feature for these shoes. These shoes are best for basketball, but you can trust these shoes even for casual use.
Traction is not excellent in these shoes, but all other valuable features are available. And you can wear these shoes even if you are playing indoor and outdoor games. These shoes weigh only 2.65 pounds, so you can jump higher and run waste when you wear these shoes on the basketball court.
- Easy to use
- Stylish shoes
- Breathability
- True to size
- Not amazing traction
Air Force Max
Air Force Max

Charles Barkley was a famous player in this game, and he used these shoes, and due to this, they are famous. It is the top-class strong shoes that you can wear in your game. The look of these shoes is unique from other shoes, which are ideal-looking and durable. The midfoot strap is around to these shoes.
These shoes are more robust than others because the outsole of these shoes is created with rubber, and the footwear is also a piece of rubber. These shoes help you run and jump; they are also worn and take off quickly. An air-sole heel unit is also available in these shoes, making them stronger and more durable.
The weight of these shoes is higher, and if you love lighter shoes, then these are not for you. But if you can bear the importance of these basketball shoes in the 90s, they are excellent, and you can perform well. Full-grain leather is used in these shoes, which are durable and long-living for a longer time due to this material.
- Durable shoes
- Midfoot strap
- Full-grain leather is using
- Air-sole heel unit
- Bulky Shoes
Grant Hill Fila 96
Grant Hill Fila 96

These shoes are fantastic in case of comfort. The price of these shoes is not too high, and you can get the best performance at a low price. These shoes are in the old version, but these are available in a snug fit, and there is a lot of interior appearance padding.
In case of fitting, these shoes will keep your feet in the correct position. And there is no matter about the size of your feet. Because these are available in different sizes, a comfortable cushion is available in these shoes, and you can enjoy old version shoes with comfort and lightweight.
Best traction is not available in these shoes. No matter if you use these shoes for a longer time. However, as much time passes, then you can get a cushion. But initially, there may be the issue of buffer. These shoes weigh only 13 ounces, and they are lighter than the latest shoes.
- Lightweight
- Rubber sole
- Comfortable cushion
- Amazing design
- Traction issues
Buying guides for 90’s basketball shoes
When you want to buy old version shoes of about 90’s, you must see the following thing in these shoes.
The main reason for selecting these shoes is their style. Because the look of these shoes is bold and more attractive than the latest shoes, you must choose shoes that are unique in regard, and the style of these shoes should be ideal for users. As you buy these shoes for yourself, look for shoes that are according to choice and preference of yourself instead of other people. If there is no plan to use these shoes and you are just collecting these shoes, then style is essential.
Most 90’s shoes are rare, and many collectors try to collect these shoes. But it is not fair to pay extra money for such shoes. Because you must buy such shoes, those are limited to your budget. However, if you love any retro, but the price is higher, leave it because the value of money is more significant than your choice. So, expenditure must be considered when buying an old shoe version.
These shoes are primarily counted in collection items, but it does not mean that you can select any boots for yourself. However, if you want to buy these shoes, they must be comfortable, even if you are wearing them for a game or just walking in town. Whether your shoe version is the latest or old, these must be comfortable. And there are only limited 90’s shoes that are comfortable.
Final Words
Air Jordan V is our top pick, and it will be best for all purposes, even if you can collect it or play with these shoes. These basketball shoes in the 90s are expensive, but the overall performance of these shoes is excellent. We give you such a pair of shoes that are best in version, while there must be minimal cons.