Charles and Colvard Reviews – Genuine Worth Reading Opinions

Jewellery is the first choice for women. Charles and Colvard is an American company for jewellery manufacturing and distribution. This company was founded in 1995 by an American citizen Charles Eric Hunter, but later, his brother Jeff Hunter became the owner of this company. The first name of this company was C3 Inc., but later it was changed to Charles and Colvard in 1999. It had 63 employers in 2019 and earned a profit of $32.4 million which was greater than $27.91 million than previous year.

Charles & Colvard has about totally overall 76 scores and I think it has gone positive. These days, the trending shopping is online and people are getting their required goods at home. But some companies are involved in scams. But we see that Charles & Colvard has positive reviews and most buyers are satisfied with company policies and reality.

If we look at the reviews for this company from different social sites, we find it is a legal and trusted online company. This company offers different jewellery products like engagement rings, wedding bands, fine jewellery, and some other products. These products are available at good prices and you will get your products at the best time. It has a proper system and contact number so that one can easily contact them and order your product. Now we will discuss different scores on different social apps and markets.

Sitejabber score


Sitejabber score

Sitejabber has about 86 scores for Charles and Colvard and there are more than 190 reviews. It is the average level of rating and rating star is 4.3 and now we will tell you different review categories for this company. 142 reviews are available for 5-star, 17 reviews are 4-star, 2 reviews for 3-star, 2-star reviews are 9 and 1-star reviews are 20.

Charles and Colvard Reviews

Adam Schimel


I recently purchased a beautiful Moissanite ring from Charles and Colvard, and I have to say, I am beyond impressed with the quality and customer service of this company. I had heard great things about Moissanite as an alternative to diamonds, but I was still a bit sceptical. However, after doing some research and reading several positive reviews about Charles and Colvard, I decided to take the plunge.


Charles and Colvard Reviews

Steve l.Charles


From the moment I placed my order, the team at Charles and Colvard were extremely helpful and responsive. They answered all of my questions and provided me with detailed information about the ring and the moissanite stone. They even went above and beyond by sending me additional pictures and videos of the ring to ensure I was making the right decision.


Charles and Colvard Reviews

LT Miller


What I appreciated most about Charles and Colvard was their commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. Their moissanite is lab-created, which means it is environmentally friendly and conflict-free. This was important to me, as I wanted to purchase a ring with a clear conscience.


So you can estimate the importance of Charles & Colvard and there are about 142 reviews that are fully satisfied with this company. According to such users, they are satisfied with the services of this company and they will make shopping with this company. However, if we talk about 1-star people, they claim that they get the wrong order. However, it may occur sometimes, but the company is focusing on the best services.

Facebook store


Facebook Store

Charles & Colvard has good notable presence because it has 242k likes and about 122 reviews. And the 4.1-star rating is very awesome for such companies. There are 243k followers on Charles &Colvard’s page and about all users like this store. There are positive reviews and it is the main reason for popularity and satisfaction you know that more than 4-star reviews are a good position for online shopping. Charles & Colvard has an 80 rating score on Facebook and I think it is very aggressive.

Instagram score


Instagram Score

Instagram is one of the top-class social apps for online shopping. And there are more than 47k and about 3950 posts about Charles & Colvard. With more than 85 scores, Instagram is famous for providing correct reviews about different brands. As you know the engagement rate of Instagram is better than other social apps, so having too many posts and ratings is a good thing for Charles and Colvard.

YouTube Score


YouTube Score

It has a decent online presence with more than 150 videos and 2.9k subscribers. The YouTube score for Charles and Colvard is about 70 which is counted in a good rating system. With too many videos and subscribers, it is easy to engage content and if you also want to get information about this company, you can visit YouTube.

How to make secure online shopping?

Get information about the website

The investigation is important for checking the legitimacy of the company. You can search for reviews, reputation, customer feedback, and other information.

Check contact information

Investigate about contact number, email address, and address of that company. If a company has a valid contact address, it will be legal and try to provide its best services.

Payment methods

Valid companies will use valid payment methods, so try to get the correct information about payment methods. And also search for the padlock symbol for the transaction, because it is a sign of reality.

Return and refund policy

Return and refund policy has great importance for online companies. And select a company that gives a guarantee of return and refund policy. So in such a situation, you can change your products and get others.

Make strong password

You must make a strong and secure password for your account if you are using it for accounts for online shopping. Because all your amount and information are stored in your account, you can make it strong by using a strong password. 

Check your bank statement

When you are using your bank account for online shopping, you must check your bank statement properly and if you are looking for any suspicious entry confirm it and then monetize it.

Final thoughts

We found that this looks looking a legitimate online shopping company for jewelry. Because it has positive reviews and a presence on Sitejabber and other social media platforms. However, it has no presence on BBB and some new social apps like TikTok and others. However, the overview and score of this company are very well and many users trust this company.

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